What is

The Pôle interordres de Montréal (PIM) is an initiative of Montréal's twelve public CEGEPs and seven universities.

Formerly known as the Pôle montréalais d'enseignement supérieur en intelligence artificielle (PIA), it was created in 2018 to increase the capacity of CEGEPs and universities to adapt their training offerings to the unprecedented boom in artificial intelligence (AI). Between 2018 and 2022, the AIP supported a large number of projects based on collaboration between institutions at both levels of education (see here). These projects were aimed at gaining a better understanding of the competencies associated with the development and, above all, the implementation of AI technologies in different spheres of activity, and also oriented towards developing relevant educational offers, from both a general and a specialized or technical training perspective.

Starting in 2021-2022, the mission of our higher education cluster has evolved to encompass issues relating to educational success in higher education, while retaining artificial intelligence among its priorities. Today, PIM's actions are focused on three priority areas:

Artificial Intelligence

The aim of this axis is to consolidate and pursue the development of the network of expertise that has grown within PIM establishments from 2018 to the present day, and to encourage the circulation and development of new knowledge between PIM member CEGEPs and universities, and other agents in the AI ecosystem.

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)

The aim PIM is to encourage collaboration and cooperation between the various groups working to promote STEM programs and careers, with a view to increasing the impact of the various initiatives and sparking new ones that are innovative and structuring.

Transitions and accessibility

PIM has joined forces with the Table Trajectoires, created by the twelve public CEGEPs, three school service centers and two school boards on the Island of Montréal, in collaboration with the Regroupement des cégeps de Montréal and Réseau réussite Montréal. In addition, PIM created the Table cégeps-universités, known as Table T4, to deploy high-level concerted action in support of initiatives to promote student retention, access to college and university studies, and smooth inter-ordinary transitions and training pathways. 


PIM has adopted a light, flexible governance structure to ensure transparent, agile management, and to use as much funding as possible for the development of innovative projects, involving teams from CEGEPs and universities and, where appropriate, external partners.

The two governance bodies are the Steering Committee, which oversees the smooth running of MIP activities and the implementation of the annual action plan, and the Table of Partners, which aims to encourage and promote the participation and collaboration of PIM members and enable the circulation of information among the various college and university communities, and which acts as a general assembly.

Both bodies are co-chaired by a CEGEP representative and a university representative appointed by their respective networks.

The presidents are:

PASCALE SIRARD, Director General, Collège de Bois-de-Boulogne,

JUAN TORRES, Deputy Vice-Rector, Undergraduate Studies and Lifelong Learning, Université de Montréal

PHILIPPE ALLARD, Director General, Regroupement des cégeps de Montréal

FRANÇOIS BARNABÉ-LÉGARÉ, Senior Advisor for Academics, Université de Montréal

MARIE-CLAUDE BOUTET, Academic Dean, Cégep de Rosemont

ANNIE DORÉ-CÔTÉ, Academic Dean, Cégep du Vieux Montréal

NICOLAS MARCHAND, Director, Office of the Vice-Rector, Academic Life, Université du Québec à Montréal

LAURA WINER, Director, Teaching and Learning Services, McGill University

The PIM Members and their Representatives at the Table of Partners


ÉCOLE DES HAUTES ÉTUDES COMMERCIALES MONTRÉAL, François Bellavance, Director, Office of the Academic Programs

ÉCOLE DE TECHNOLOGIE SUPÉRIEURE, Patrick Cardinal, Director, Information and Communications Technologies

ÉCOLE POLYTECHNIQUE MONTRÉAL, Pierre Langlois, Vice-President, Office of Educational Support and Student Experience

UNIVERSITÉ CONCORDIA, Ann-Louise Davidson, Research Chair in Maker Culture and Director, Concordia Innovation Lab

UNIVERSITÉ DE MONTRÉAL, Juan Torres, Deputy Vice-Rector, Undergraduate Studies and Lifelong Learning, Université de Montréal (Copresident)

UNIVERSITÉ DU QUÉBEC À MONTRÉAL, Nicolas Marchand, directeur du bureau du vice-recteur à la vie académique

UNIVERSITÉ MCGILL, Laura Winer, Director, Teaching and Learning Services


CÉGEP ANDRÉ-LAURENDEAU, Nathalie Giguère, Director General

CÉGEP DE ROSEMONT, Caroline Roy, Director General

CÉGEP DE SAINT-LAURENT, Mathieu Cormier, Director General

CÉGEP DU VIEUX MONTRÉAL, Mylène Boisclair, Director General

CÉGEP GÉRALD-GODIN, Julie Pelletier, Director General

JOHN ABBOTT COLLEGE, Teresa Berghello, Director General

CÉGEP MARIE-VICTORIN, Louis Gendron, Director General

VANIER COLLEGE, Benoit Morin, Director General

COLLÈGE AHUNTSIC, Nathalie Vallée, Director General

DAWSON COLLEGE, Diane Gauvin, Director General

COLLÈGE DE BOIS-DE-BOULOGNE, Pascale Sirard, Director General (Copresident)

COLLÈGE DE MAISONNEUVE, David Pilon, Director General

PIM Management and Staff

BENOIT PAGÉ, Director, Manager of Axis STEM

LILIAN LOPEZ, Development Advisor, Manager of Axis Transition and Accessibility

CHRISTIAN STAHN, Development Advisor, Manager of Axis AI