Project supported in 2020-2022
Ethics and AI in Higher Education: Fostering Responsible Development Following the Montréal Declaration
Project Summary
This project proposes the development of scalable inter-level college/university training on the ethical and social challenges associated with artificial intelligence. More specifically, the project would draw on the deliberative and inclusive process which led to the Montréal Declaration for the Responsible Development of Artificial Intelligence, the object being to provide students and faculty of Université de Montréal and Collège de Rosemont with the tools for handling the challenges inherent in the use of artificial intelligence and, ultimately, for initiating appropriate action in their respective fields of endeavour.
Research Team
Project Leaders
Louis Normand, conseiller pédagogique, Cégep de Rosemont (
Pauline Noiseau, chercheuse, Algora Lab, Université de Montréal (
Marc-Antoine Dilhac, professeur, département de Philosophie, Université de Montréal (
Steering Committee
Nathalie Chamlian, conseiller pédagogique, Centre de pédagogie universitaire, Université de Montréal
Marie-Hélène Roy, conseillère à la vie étudiante, Bureau CLAP, Cégep de Rosemont
Sophie Lemoyne-Dessaint, conseillère à la vie étudiante, Bureau CLAP, Collège de Rosemont
Christian Auger, professeur de philosophie, Cégep de Rosemont
Danny Bouchard, professeur de philosophie, Cégep de Rosemont
Stéphane Alarie, conseiller pédagogique, Collège de Rosemont